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Hydrostatische niveauschakelaars

The hydrostatic submersion probes are used for filling level measurements in water and in clean to slightly contaminated liquids as well as in acids, alkaline solutions or aggressive media. Areas of application: environmental engineering, water treatment, sewage plants, depth measurements in wells, open bodies of water, ground water level measurements as well as filling level measurements in open or pressure less tanks.

The housings are made of stainless steel 1.4571, PVC or PVDF. The sensor membranes are made of stainless steel 1.4404, ceramics Al o 96%, Al o 99,9%, the 2 3 2 3 seals are made of FKM (Viton ®) as standard version. Other sealing materials are EPDM or FFKM (Kalrez ®). PVC cables are provided by default as connections

Depending on the media resistance, you can also order FEP (Teflon ®) or PUR cables. Approval for use in Ex areas is being prepared.

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