Beste klanten, wij blijven bereikbaar en beschikbaar! Sinds maandag 16 maart werkt een deel van onze medewerkers van thuis uit. De overige collega’s werken vanop kantoor te Zaventem met inachtneming van de Corona richtlijnen. Dat is uiteraard voor iedereen even wennen. Wij streven ernaar om u hetzelfde serviceniveau te blijven geven en onze commerciële en logistieke activiteiten zo goed als mogelijk na te komen!

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Movicon 11

A consolidated, reliable, flexible and robust platform. A successful product that has been on the market for some time. It is highly appreciated for its robustness and flexibility. It comes complete and open with technology based on the most commonly used technologies usually found in almost all competitive products. 
It is written in C++ and based on WinForm offering a flexible Client-Server architecture capable of distributing applications from Windows 10 to Windows CE. Supports all databases available on the market and has a vector graphics engine based on SVG.

In addition to a rich set of functions provided in an extremely easy to use and intuitive development environment, it also offers a powerful VBA and VB.NET script engine and a PLC type Instruction List logic engine. It offers web technology based on Applet Java and provides apps for Android and iOS devices.

Movicon 11.5 Screen