Beste klanten, wij blijven bereikbaar en beschikbaar! Sinds maandag 16 maart werkt een deel van onze medewerkers van thuis uit. De overige collega’s werken vanop kantoor te Zaventem met inachtneming van de Corona richtlijnen. Dat is uiteraard voor iedereen even wennen. Wij streven ernaar om u hetzelfde serviceniveau te blijven geven en onze commerciële en logistieke activiteiten zo goed als mogelijk na te komen!

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YASKAWA Electric (Yaskawa Europe, Eschborn, Germany) is one of the world’s leading manufacturers in the fields of drive technology, industrial automation and robotics. Founded in 1915, we consider ourselves as a pioneer in these sectors, always striving to optimize the productivity and efficiency of machines, and industrial systems with our innovations. For almost 100 years now, our products and solutions have been supporting automation in a wide variety of industrial processes including mining, mechanical engineering and toolmaking, as well as the automotive, packaging, wood processing, lift, textile and semiconductor industries. The activities of YASKAWA Electric are divided into 4 areas: Motion Control (inverter drives, servo drives, servomotors, machine controllers), Robotics (industrial robots, service robots, robot systems), System Engineering (medium-voltage inverters, generators and converters) and Information Technology (software, information processing).