Beste klanten, wij blijven bereikbaar en beschikbaar! Sinds maandag 16 maart werkt een deel van onze medewerkers van thuis uit. De overige collega’s werken vanop kantoor te Zaventem met inachtneming van de Corona richtlijnen. Dat is uiteraard voor iedereen even wennen. Wij streven ernaar om u hetzelfde serviceniveau te blijven geven en onze commerciële en logistieke activiteiten zo goed als mogelijk na te komen!

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Progea (Italy, Switzerland, Germany, USA) is an international company specialized in producing automation software platforms. For over twenty years now, the company has activities in the industrial automation software industry and meanwhile, experienced a steady growth in sales and profits while expanding its international presence. Being a protagonist in a fast-growing automation software sector, Progea continues to earn its market share in avoiding large direct and indirect costs for the end user. The company is organized to be efficient in designing, supporting and promoting one of the most innovative SCADA/HMI software on the international market.

The professionalism of the Progea distribution network plays a crucial role in enabling Progea to establish international partnerships with some of the most prestigious companies in the world. These partnerships prove that the advanced technology of the Progea software can be defined as the-state-of-art in SCADA/HMI platforms.