Beste klanten, wij blijven bereikbaar en beschikbaar! Sinds maandag 16 maart werkt een deel van onze medewerkers van thuis uit. De overige collega’s werken vanop kantoor te Zaventem met inachtneming van de Corona richtlijnen. Dat is uiteraard voor iedereen even wennen. Wij streven ernaar om u hetzelfde serviceniveau te blijven geven en onze commerciële en logistieke activiteiten zo goed als mogelijk na te komen!

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PROCENTEC B.V. (Wateringen, Netherlands) is an independent Dutch company, concentrating all its products and services on PROFIBUS and PROFINET technology. Our main business is the development of automation products which are exported through our worldwide distributor network.

PROCENTEC is also providing vendor-independent training and support to end-users. The technology and solutions that we offer enable our customers to successfully participate in the world of industrial automation. We take pride in possessing in-depth knowledge of fieldbus requirements in factory and process automation and the expertise to create innovative solutions for these areas. 

With ProfiTrace we are one of the leading manufacturers of mobile PROFIBUS trouble-shooting and maintenance tools. Our ProfiHubs provide the most reliable network infrastructure on the market today. The superb combination of these products within ComBricks enables us to rapidly become the primary manufacturer of network components with integrated capabilities for remote monitoring and asset management.