Beste klanten, wij blijven bereikbaar en beschikbaar! Sinds maandag 16 maart werkt een deel van onze medewerkers van thuis uit. De overige collega’s werken vanop kantoor te Zaventem met inachtneming van de Corona richtlijnen. Dat is uiteraard voor iedereen even wennen. Wij streven ernaar om u hetzelfde serviceniveau te blijven geven en onze commerciële en logistieke activiteiten zo goed als mogelijk na te komen!

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IC Electronic

IC Electronic (Risskov, Danmark) was established in 1995 and via a competent and skillful team the company has set up a new and innovative standard in industrial semiconductor technology. The research and development is a combination of many years of experience in the field of power electronics and industrial applications. IC Electronic has been able to develop a unique program of Electronic Contactors and Motor Controllers.

The product range is sold under the name of P-Line or as privately labelled in more than 130 countries worldwide. In 1997 the company's technical and financial foundation was strengthened with Mogens Kjeldsen joining the board of directors. Because of his innovative management and richness of ideas the company developed into one of the best-known and respected suppliers of industrial electronic components in the world. IC Electronic is a part of Eltwin group.